About Mariposa Sources

Our Story

A Journey From Aspiration to Empowerment

Finding the right help to grow your business should be accessible. Whether you want to scale your operations or make impactful client connections via events, we are here for you. We know the challenges businesses face because we have face them ourselves.

A few years ago, I was just like many of you—navigating the complex world of entrepreneurship, driven by big ideas but overwhelmed by the challenge of balancing a thriving business with a fulfilling personal life. I felt frustrated and exhausted, constantly searching for that elusive equilibrium.

Then, everything changed. I discovered the transformative power of combining strategic planning, generating event leads with personal empowerment. Those first few months were tough. I struggled to streamline my strategies and integrate them with a lifestyle reflecting my values. But once I found my flow and process for growth, everything clicked. I realized my true strength wasn’t just in managing a business, but in helping others find their path to success and balance.

Today, I empower entrepreneurs to achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony through Mariposa Sources. I have built this business to support people in their entrepreneurial journeys, helping them redefine success on their own terms. My story has a happy ending, and yours can too.

With Mariposa Sources, you gain more than just strategic business advice and guidance; you gain a dedicated partner committed to turning your dreams into reality. Let’s embark on this journey together, creating a future where your success is not just a goal but a way of life.

Get in Touch - We Would Love To Hear From You.

Proudly Serving as Board Member & Programs Chair of the National Association of Women Business Owners

Our Services


Unlock your full potential with personalized one-on-one coaching designed to elevate your career and business success.

Business Lead System

Harness the power of our innovative lead generation systems to attract and convert high-quality prospects effortlessly.

Internship Programs

Enhance your operations and gain fresh perspectives with our expertly designed internship programs, tailored to support your business needs.

Let’s make it happen, together.

Hi! I’m Vanessa, and I help female entrepreneurs achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony, so you can say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and stuck. I streamline your business strategy and introduce effective planning tools so that you can enjoy both professional success and personal fulfillment.

Feeling like you’re not quite in love with your business? Let’s change that.

I help female entrepreneurs like you streamline your business strategy, so you can achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony.

You’re here because you’re ready for a change in how you approach your business and personal growth.

If you’re a female entrepreneur dreaming of sustainable business growth, but struggling with balancing professional success and personal well-being, you're not alone.

You’ve put in the hard work and creativity, yet strategic planning and effective scaling still seem out of reach, leaving you feeling a bit stuck.

You're ready for more than just sporadic success; you're aiming for a harmonious blend of business efficiency and personal fulfillment.

Despite your achievements, the complexity of maintaining a successful business while ensuring work-life balance can often seem overwhelming.

Mariposa Sources is here to guide you through this journey, transforming these challenges into a fulfilling and empowering entrepreneurial experience.

Here’s my promise to you

I’m committed to helping female entrepreneurs achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony — because I believe in blending strategic business management with personal empowerment.

Which brings me to you, friend. I’m here to help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a balanced and fulfilling reality.

Ready to say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed in your business once and for all?

Discover my coaching services and find out how we can work together to help you achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony. If you’re a female entrepreneur who’s ready to streamline your strategy and elevate your business while maintaining your well-being, let’s work together to make it a reality.

What makes me different...

What makes me different is my holistic approach to strategic business planning and personal empowerment. Unlike many coaches who focus solely on business growth or personal development, I blend these two crucial elements seamlessly. This unique approach ensures that as you scale your business, you do not have to sacrifice your personal well-being.

I understand that the journey of a female entrepreneur is not just about profit margins and market strategies; it's equally about building a life that is fulfilling and sustainable. This understanding stems from my own experiences and struggles in balancing business success with personal happiness.

Furthermore, my coaching style is deeply rooted in inclusivity and transformation. I don't just offer cookie-cutter solutions; I tailor my strategies to fit your unique business needs and personal aspirations. This customization is based on a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities unique to women in business.

Lastly, my commitment to ethical and transparent business practices sets me apart. I believe in building relationships based on trust and integrity, ensuring that the journey to success is as rewarding as the destination itself.

Choosing me as your coach means partnering with someone who not only guides you to business success but also champions your overall well-being. Together, we create a journey that's not just about thriving in business but also flourishing in life.

Why Mariposa Sources?

We value empowerment, innovation, and transformation. Our mission is to guide female entrepreneurs on a journey from aspiration to achievement, providing strategic business coaching and a supportive community to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into successful realities.

The Transformation Awaits

Ready to say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed in your business once and for all?

Discover my coaching services and find out how we can work together to help you achieve sustainable growth and work-life harmony. If you’re a female entrepreneur who’s ready to streamline your strategy and elevate your business while maintaining your well-being, let’s work together to make it a reality.

Ready to Elevate Your Business or Career?

Schedule your free discovery session today and start your journey towards professional growth and success with Mariposa Sources!